Lower ab blast
easy to follow lower ab blast. watch the free videos to rock your core
easy to follow lower ab blast. watch the free videos to rock your core
“Unlocking Muscle Growth with Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs): The Key Role of Protein’s Building Blocks Why is it that most gym-goers aiming to build muscle often overlook the critical role of branch chain amino acids (BCAAs) and protein in their fitness journey? These amino acids, despite being a familiar term listed on protein powders, […]
You may have the impression that working with a personal trainer at a gym involves lots of weight lifting or sitting on some machine and listening to the trainer count your reps. That’s awful if you think that’s personal training, think again. Gyms are small businesses they exist to make a profit. Getting you in […]
DanceSport One of the most athletic forms of dance is competitive ballroom and Latin dancing, also known as DanceSport. In international DanceSport competitions, there are five ballroom dances and five Latin dances. Dancers generally specialize in ballroom or Latin, but some dance both (i.e., they compete in all ten dances). The dances vary in intensity […]
Plyo Box workouts, great for in home workouts. They raise the heart rate and work the legs in a very small space. I use custom made boxes with have 12 14 16 18 and 21 inch heights. we will work our way up adding functional strength to your legs improving your balance and giving you a great cardio workout at the same time. this is a bullet list of plyo box moves.
1. Inchworm Stand up tall with legs straight, making sure your knees aren’t locked. Slowly lower torso toward the floor, then walk hands forward. Once in a push-up position, start taking tiny steps so feet meet hands. Continue bugging out for 4–6 reps. 2. Tuck jump Stand with your knees slightly bent, then jump up […]
Overall we can say the muscular state of health and well-being, more specifically, the ability to perform aspects of sports or occupations. Physical fitness is generally achieved through correct nutrition, moderate-vigorous physical activity, exercise and rest. It is a set of attributes or characteristics seen in people and which relate to the ability to perform a given set of physical activities.